Wednesday, 15 April 2015

IMAGINE--Cultivating A Culture of Learning on PEI

IMAGINEImage result for free image hot air balloon

Imagine learning that has not been institutionalized—imagination running free, curiosity encouraged, smiling, chatting, motion and doodling allowed. Imagine facilitators encouraging exploration, questioning, the process of trial and error, figuring things out for yourself combined with learning from the mistakes and wisdom of our elders.

Imagine an environment that allows you to take your time with things, to mull things over, to move away from something when you are stuck and come back to it after a healthy break. One in which there is room for mental sorting, space to learn at your own pace, allowing each to learn in the way best suited to their own personal learning style.

Imagine heart centered learning; training our children in paying attention to their intuitiveness and cultivating their own wisdom. Imagine how highly respectful of children such an environment could be; respectful of children’s keen need to move their  bodies, to dance, to sing, to be quiet, to spend time outdoors by themselves or in small groups.

Imagine an education system that grants children exposure to the many wonderful things of this world and lets them choose to pursue learning in areas where their own interest lies. Imagine a learning environment that allows kids to honour the curiosities and enthusiasm innate to childhood: their deep sense of wonder, their insatiable need to know, their desire to run and scream when the first snowflake falls or the first butterfly of spring flutters by.

Imagine a learning environment that teaches life skills, and values kindness, sharing and gentleness over competition. One which naturally encourages a holistic approach to well being and reverence for life!

Imagine a culture that recognizes that we are all learners and teachers both at any given point in our lives. Imagine a world in which pursuing your innate desire to learn about those things in which you are keenly interested and which are meaningful to you is prized! Imagine a system where no one is graded but instead all recognize that the greatest reward is learning itself! Imagine the possibilities!  Imagine if…

Jill MacCormack

First published on Vision PEI facebook page April 13, 2015

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