Tuesday 5 November 2013

Impermanece in the Natural World...We Too Are Part of its Constant Evolutions


The natural world with its constant evolutions, moon phases, change of seasons, birth, reproduction, aging, death, erosion, quietly shows us that change is constant, the only dependable known. We too are a part of these cycles and phases of the natural world. Denying this basic element of our existence is to deny the beautiful opportunity to be present to our own lives as they unfold. 

Life is short even if you are granted a long life. Why race through it blind to the beauty life's subtler moments present us with? Life has an innate sense of humour, and an endlessly fascinating quality about it. There is more to discover and explore than we could ever experience in one hundred lifetimes. Why ever be bored? Why not chart a new course?

Guided by the moon and the stars and the sun and the sky, the flowering trees, the moths and the bees, the seaweeds, the bats, the fungi, the wild grasses; the creatures who've no need for making sense of things or keeping track, we can lose ourselves watching the ceaseless motions around us. 

Why not give yourself the time and space to get lost outside of the limited sense of self we so often live out of? In this outer realm we become aware of our deep sense of connection with and dependence on all things. It's humbling, and completely wonderful!
Jill MacCormack
writing for the Creativity Project, Art in the Open 2013

“The world is too much with us…” William Wordsworth

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